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  1. View Conversation
    Hi! Is the rose drape counter deleted from the restaurant story game? I have a few of them and I want to buy more but I cannot fond it in the counter list.
  2. View Conversation
    Hi Walt. I am unable to build any Royal structures in Castle Story. When I press build the game freezes even though I have all material required etc.
    I cannot get any Royal points.
    Can you help please.
  3. View Conversation
    Help, I can't finish the goal if I don't have the appliance carnival grill available to buy
  4. View Conversation
    Restaurant Story, Don't have the appropriate appliance, carnival grill, to make garlic fries for the current goal.. it does not appear in my list of appliances. Please help
  5. View Conversation
    Don't have the appropriate appliance, carnival grill, to make garlic fries for the current goal.. it does not appear in my list of appliances. Please help.
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    Hi there - I updated my phone to the samsung 10 and now it looks like the version of bakery story is older and a lot of the features are not supported. I cannot find a new version in google play, but I did see that there was one for iOS on the forum can androids update? And where would I be able to find that- thank you
  7. View Conversation
    I can?t look at all the wallpapers, floor tiles, ovens or decoration. The game keeps crashing after a few ?pages?. It?s so frustrating!! (I?m playing from an iPhone XS.)
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    August 24, 2019
    I'm still awaiting a response & the more I miss on tasks due to lack of notifications the more agitated I get. Would someone PLEASE reply to this so I dont lose any more dishes or tasks.

    I sent the below message to Storm8 for help & they claim they don't assist individual issues. I should also mention that I am using the Original apps as I'm uncertain of the most recent version names.
    Please help; I'm very frustrated & disappointed with this, as yet, unresolved issue. Thank you in advance for your assistance Walt


    Aug 22, 8:01 AM PDT

    On Bakery & Restaurant Story I am not receiving any notification. I have both set to notify when food is ready. Both apps are up to date but notifications arent appearing. I play both games on my phone & my tablet.This has been ongoing for roughly a week. Please fix this issue as I'm losing food & have missed a few goals due to the issue
  9. View Conversation
    Hi! For me, and many other Italian players too, the option to watch videos/earn gems in BAKERY STORY disappeared since more than a week. Can someone fix this? Without gems there's nothing left to do, in the game
  10. View Conversation
    hi walt.. i have gem issue..almost 3 day the free watching vedio to get gem doesn't appear in my account..i don't know why.. my others acc have it.. this bugs came after i log in to others acc..
    please help..??
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